715-986-4618 | 301 Maple Street South, Turtle Lake, WI | Monday - Friday 10AM-6PM; Saturday 10AM-Noon

Pilcrow Grant Materials at Library

This past September, the Turtle Lake Public Library applied for the Children’s Book Project grant through the Pilcrow Foundation and was awarded the grant in October. The Pilcrow Foundation is an...

Explore MORE in ’24

The Explore MORE Passport Program is back for a third year! Your Explore MORE adventure will run from June 1 to August 31, 2024. Your assignment, should you choose to accept it, is to pick up your...

Download the “MORE Libraries” App to browse millions of items!

The new MORE app is available in app stores! Search the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store for “MORE Libraries.” Tap on a title to place a hold–there isn’t an option to place a hold from a...

Job Seeker Resources: Start your search at the library!

Search for books and materials on writing your resume, finding a job, interviewing skills, test prep, career exploration and more available from your public library. Browse job seeker resources...
MORE Libraries app is now available wherever you get your apps.